Sunday, December 13, 2015

3D Printers: Anything is possible!

          3D printers. They can almost do anything! I could make almost anything, from air funnels for more effective PC cooling, to true manufacturing demos and prototypes, it seems like the possibilities are endless. However, 3D printers are slowly starting to work their way into the medical industry as well, not just in geeky manufacturing plants. At the University of Iowa, a cat by the name of Vincent was found to be missing rear tibias, so he could not walk. An avid cat lover myself, I would be so sad to see such an animal suffer like that. However, the folks over at Iowa State University managed to construct 3D legs that would attach to his current bone structure that allow him to walk. Just take a look for yourself, and be amazed at how far printing technology has come!

-139 words

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