Sunday, March 27, 2016

Check Address Twice, Demolish Once

I think it's a good thing to give people second chances, and often even third and fourth chances, and to be accepting of people's mistakes, because mistakes happen and everyone makes them and often life goes on. But if you are tearing down someone's house, please take the time to confirm you are tearing down the correct house. And if you fail to do that — destroying someone else's home in the process — please at least own up to the mistake instead of pinning the blame on Google Maps.
This absurdity is what is happening in Rowlett, Texas right now, where a woman's duplex was destroyed because a demolition company failed to confirm it was on the right street. A company making a mistake of this magnitude should probably accept responsibility. It was supposed to demolish one house and clearly demolished another. There is no disputing this. But rather than taking the blame for this error, someone from the company apparently pointed to screenshots of Google Maps, which mistakenly lists the woman's duplex at the address that was scheduled for demolition.
Now it is a very human thing to explain why mistakes were made and that is fine and well, but when you are going to an address to demolish it, I highly suggest taking the time to read both a street sign and house number sign first for confirmation. Asking a human at that location might be a good idea, too.
Google admitted that Maps messed up the address.
"Google Maps did indeed show incorrect information for the houses in question," a spokesperson said. "The issue was fixed as soon as it was brought to our attention."
On the other hand, Billy L. Nabors Demolition - the company said to be responsible for the home's destruction - seems to have a bit to learn about admitting when things go wrong. Diaz says she spoke with the company's president about its mistaken demolition of her home, but the conversation apparently didn't go the way any reasonable person would expect it to. "I was hoping for an apology from the company's president, such as, "I'm sorry my company did this. We'll make it better.'"" Diaz stated. "'But instead, he's telling me how the insurance is gonna handle it and telling me it's gonna be a nasty fight." Overall, its a crazy fight that hopefully no one has to ever go through again. Some companies need to learn to take responsibility.

-406 words

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