Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Long-Awaited Facebook Dislike Buttion

          For years, Facebook users have always toted about wanting a dislike button, mostly for humorous purposes, but also to dislike items that were not worthy of being flagged as innappropriate. In the Spring of 2015, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg teased of such a button, but now, at the end of the year, Facebook is about to deliver.
          While not directly a dislike button, Mark Zuckerberg posted this image to Twitter showing the near-finalized concept in action. When hovering over the dislike button, Facebook will expand the menu, allowing for mutliple emotions to be selected, from Love to Sad. The most useful scenario I can see for this would be a post that states something such as "We all remember John Doe very vividly, and even though he is gone, we will always remember him" or "9/11: Never Forget" and clicking the Sad emotion, as a like is not very suitable in these scenarios. Overall, its a great concept, and I believe it will add more personality to this virtual hangout space.

-172 words

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