Sunday, November 22, 2015

Everything You Write Is Plagiarism

         You, stop! Stop plagiarising. Everything you write is plagiarism. Everything you speak is copying. Everything you have thought has been put in exact words. Even your teachers are plagiarising every minute of every day. All your class mates are plagiarising too. Because everything you, your classmates, your teacher, your parents write, is plagiarism. How, one might ask? Well, lets review the plagiarism definition:
"The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing it off as one's own." Not only are you plagiarising, but I'm plagiarising this entire blog post. Take a look for yourself:
          See, right there! In the bold text! I totally just copied and pasted the beginning of this blog post from...wait...what is all that gibberish?? Well, I welcome you, reader, to the Library of Babel.
          The Library of Babel. It orginated as a concept from the book named no other than,"The Library of Babel," published in the year 2000. In the book, a magical library exists that has not only holds past knowledge in the universe, but has every single thing that has and will ever be said. Cool concept, sure, too bad it doesn't exist....but it does. Yeah, I know what your thinking....because its technically already in the Library of Babel. A genius by the name of Jonathan Basile wrote a computer algorithm to randomly generate trillions upon trillions of pages of a computerized library containing every single 3,200 character essay, paper, paragraph, whatever you name it, that will be ever created. While it is true that Basile did not create every single piece of writing that his computer algorithm did, it is true that everything you or I write has already been written, and we take credit for what we have written, even though it has already been written by someone else, or in this case, by SOMETHING else, a computer. But created by computer or human, it has been created, and we are taking credit for something that has already been created, and that, in my book, makes everything that humanity will ever write in the future plagiarism.


-352 words

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