Sunday, February 14, 2016

Imact of Image Editing on Youths

          People feel the need to be perfect. To be the best. To be good at something. And a lot of times, to be seen as worthwhile, you need to be seen as amazing to your peers. Unfortunately, many people tie this to also looking amazing. Looking perfect. The image of what is perfect varies person to person, however,  many people still agree a face free from blemishes, acne, and uneven skin tones is favorable. It was one thing when a minor amount of people could use Photoshop to edit photos, but in the 21st century, everyone with access to a smartphone can clear up bemishes in the touch of a button, and now there is rarely a close-up selfie posted that hasn't been touched up in some form or another. Even doing it manually, I was able to touch up this photo of myself in a matter of minutes.
          But at what point is image editing hurtful? Will all the young children that grow up these days be brainwashed into striving for "perfection"? Well, there will be the people that don't care. But overall, I think technology given to the extremely young youth will, and is, very poisonous. Just watching my generation grow up with phones from 5th grade onward is sad to watch, but those were the days of brick phones. Smartphones will continue to hurt self images, and also hurt our social world. Everyone will always post Snapchat stories of how their life is so much fun. And girls will post their "perfect" selfies. Just don't believe the internet: its always hiding the truth somehow. While I like to be blemish free, it personally doesn't hurt me, but there are others that feel different unfortunately.

-287 words

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