Thursday, February 18, 2016

Top 3 Coolest Robots

3. The Schaft robot is an award winning robot by Google presented in the 2013 DARPA Robotics challenge. A humanoid robot, Schaft could perform several autonomous tasks, able to navigate disaster areas and work with any tools and materials at hand. With the strength of 10 average people, the Schaft robot is able to lift and clear heavy debris during rescue operations. This conventional robot, with its long arms and squat torso, weighs 209 lbs and is 4’10” high, capable of moving at a speed of 2km/hr. Operating drills, manipulating safety valves, and turning a doorknob are some of the skills many other robots cannot handle, but that this robot has mastered.

2. An automated car created by the Stanford Racing Team from Stanford University, Stanley is one of the best automated cars, even winning the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge and its $2 million prize. Stanley was specially designed for the 132 mile DARPA Grand Challenge course in California’s Mohave Desert (where it had to self-drive itself through the 132 miles). Stanley could analyze the terrain, and its GPS system helped in position sensing. Stanley is currently showcased at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

1. Created in 2005 by Boston Dynamics, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the Harvard University Concord Field Station, the BigDog is the most advanced rough terrain robot on earth. Designed to serve military uses, the machine is around 3 feet long, 2.5 feet tall, and weighs 240 pounds, The robot can move on difficult terrain at a speed of four miles per hour, and is able to carry up to 340 pound of weight, navigating with its onboard LIDAR and stereo vision systems. This robot has also been renovated and updated with modifications that enhance its power and locomotive features, and is quite amazing to watch when it is kicked or body-slammed from the side, or put on slick ice. Its stability system allows it to balance, even when two of its legs go out from underneath it, and is a great feat considering how top-heavy this beast of a "horse" is!

-350 words

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