Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Siri On the Mac

          Windows has had its companion for a long time. She's a nice lady. If you're ever bored at work, give her a ring! She'll tell ya a funny joke, and maybe even squeeze a small chuckle out of you. Her name is Cortana, and she is your personal assistant. She'll answer any question, and even recite a song or two. All it takes is a quick,"Hey Cortana!" and her icon in the lower left will blip to life, ready to accommodate any of your needs. She started on Windows phone, and made her way to the PC after a year or two. Speaking of which, Google Now, Google's twist on voice assistants, started on mobile as well, before quickly migrating to Google's Chromebooks and their fleet of internet users by means of Googling things on the PC in the browser with Chrome. Well, now its time for another voice assistant to grow up, and that, is Siri.

           Siri was introduced on the iPhone 4s way back 5 years ago on iOS 5, and has, since then remained locked on the mobile platform. But it may have finally come time to unleash the power of Siri on Apple's desktop platform. Its rumored that in the next Mac OS X release, Apple will finally unite its mobile and desktop search assistant, so that "Hey Siri" can respond to everything you need, on any platform...that is, aside from Android and Windows. But don't feel sad if you run a different platform. Google Now and Cortana will keep you plenty satisfied with their offerings. :)

-262 words

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